Department Chair

Office: SLHS C201A

Oliver Gerland III is an associate professor in the Theatre & Dance department (THDN) at the University of Colorado Boulder serving as chair of the Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences department (SLHS).  He earned his Ph.D. in Drama and Humanities from Stanford University.  Oliver teaches script analysis and theater history/dramatic literature courses in THDN and disability studies courses through the Humanities Program (HUMN).  He has published essays on a wide range of theater history/dramatic literature topics in peer-reviewed journals including Theatre JournalModern DramaEarly Theatre, and the Thornton Wilder Journal.  Other leadership roles at CU include chair of THDN, interim director of HUMN, and director of the Honors Residential Academic Program. Oliver also is a playwright and director who enjoys creating theatre with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He recently collaborated with SLHS faculty members, graduate students, and clients with aphasia to stage an adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.